For our courses in Izmir have a look in our country list if you need Tourist VISA to enter Turkey. If you country is not listed here you have to apply for a visa at an turkish embassy in your country. While planning your trip to Turkey do not forget to check your passport if it is valid for at least 90 days some european countries can enter turkey with their national ID’s.
Passport and Visa information Turkey

Germany, Belgium, France, Georgia, Holland , Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, Liechtenstein, Luxemburg, Malta, Portugal and of course Greece
Arab Emirates, Argentina, Australia, the Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Belize, Chile, Denmark, , Ecuador, Fiji islands, Finland, Granada, Iran, Iceland, Israel, Jamaica, Japan, Canada, Qatar, Kenya, Kuweit, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Monako, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Santa Lucia, San Marino, Sweden, the Seychelles, Singapore, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad – Tobago, Tunisia, Vatican, South Korea, Uruguay
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Indonesia, Croatia, Macedonia, Romania, Slovenia;
Bolivia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizia, South African Republic, the Maldives and Bulgarian need no transit visa, but the latter pay a transit fee.
Maximum for a stay up to three months: Need a valid Passport to abtain a VISA on the border
If you are flying to Turkey, you will buy your visa at the Turkish airport on arrival. You will see the visa desk, situated just before passport control. You must buy your visa, which will be stamped on your passport by the official, before you join the queue for passport control. The visa for UK passport holders currently costs £10 and must be paid for with a Sterling note.
Great Britain, Ireland, Austria, the USA, Hong Kong, Brazil (the visa can be used within the period several times).
Azerbaijan, Byelorussia, Armenia, Moldavia, Russia, the Ukraine, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Yugoslavian federation, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungarian, Taiwan, Turkmenien, Jordan, Uzbekistan.
Albanians and the inhabitants of Sri Lanka (under presentation of a writing of the honourary consul of Colombo) and Guatemalans receive a 14 day visa.
Here you can download the visa fee for e-visa and fees for visa on arrival to turkish airports.